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In a changing world where time is a very important factor and distances are getting shorter, Lora Gerónimo Enterprises is within your reach through the tools that  our platform provides. We have for your happiness two types of consultations, one virtual and the other in person. In the virtual consultation, you can select if you want a short consultation, so that you can satisfy your need immediately, where you can receive a response by phone, through the WhatsApp application or by text message. It has a cost of $20.00 USD

Instead, you can select to schedule a 15 to 20 minute consultation by phone, video conference (using the ZOOM application) or other technological mechanisms that are available to you at a cost of $45.00 USD. In both cases, you will be assisted, and in those cases that require an exhaustive analysis, all the pertinent information will be taken, and once it is provided, a second consultation will be coordinated free of charge and you will be properly oriented.

Payment in both cases will be made at the time of coordinating the consultation through this platform. If the consultation leads to you being part of the great family of clients of Lora Gerónimo Enterprises, the cost of the consultation will be considered as part of the fees and will be deducted from the remaining balance. In the case of the face-to-face consultation, similar to the virtual one in terms of time and fee, with the difference that it is in our facilities. For "on site" consultations, a quote is required

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