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Term of use



It is a necessary requirement for the acquisition of the products or services offered on this site, that you read and accept the following Terms and Conditions that are written below. The use of our products or services as well as the purchase thereof will imply that you have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions of Use in this document. All products or services  that are offered by our website are exclusively created, collected, sent or presented by Lora Gerónimo Entreprises and in such case are subject to the Terms and Conditions mentioned here. In some cases, in order to acquire a product or service, registration by the user will be necessary, with the entry of reliable personal data and definition of a password.


The user can choose and change the password for their account administration access at any time, in case they have registered and that it is necessary for the purchase of any of our products or services. Lora Gerónimo Enterprises and its work team do not assume responsibility in the event that said key reaches third parties for any reason, reason, event, situation or outcome outside the knowledge of Lora Gerónimo Enterprises and its work team.


All purchases and transactions carried out through this website are subject to a confirmation and verification process, which could include verification of the stock and availability of the product or service, validation of the payment method, validation of the invoice (if any) and compliance with the conditions required by the selected means of payment. In some cases verification via email may be required.


The prices of the products o  services offered on this portal by the group of specialists from Lora Gerónimo Enterprises and their respective areas of expertise, are valid only for purchases made on this website at www.




Lora Gerónimo Enterprises, through its website, grants a license for users to use  the products or  services that are sold on this website in accordance with the Terms and Conditions described in this document.




If applicable (for sale of software, templates, or other design and programming products) you may not place one of our products or services, modified or unmodified, on a CD, website, or any other media and offer them for redistribution or resale of any kind.




You cannot declare intellectual or exclusive property to any of our products or services, modified or unmodified. All products or services are property  of the content providers. Unless otherwise specified, our products or services are provided  without any warranty, express or implied. In no event shall this company be  liable for any damages including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or other losses resulting from the use or inability to use our products or services.



In the case of products or services that are  non-tangible irrevocable merchandise, we do not issue refunds after the product is shipped or the service is provided, you have the responsibility to understand before buying._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ We ask that you read it carefully before purchasing it. We only make exceptions to this rule when the description does not fit the product or service. There are some products or services that may have a guarantee and the possibility of a refund, but this will be specified when purchasing the product. In such cases, the guarantee will only cover factory failures or technical failures at the time of providing the service and will only become effective when the product  has been used correctly or the service has been fully provided. The guarantee does not cover breakdowns or damage caused by improper use of the product or technical programming failures, lack of internet signal or poor performance of the applications for the transmission of services. The terms of the guarantee are associated with manufacturing and operation failures under normal conditions of the products and these terms will only become effective if the equipment has been used correctly. This includes:


– According to the technical specifications indicated for each product.

– Under environmental conditions in accordance with the specifications indicated by the manufacturer.

– In specific use for the function with which it was designed from the factory.

– Under electrical operating conditions in accordance with the specifications and tolerances indicated.


Any situation of cause majeure which prevents the group of specialists from Lora Gerónimo Enterprises from not being able to provide the scheduled and acquired service for what is scheduled for a new date.




The customer's purchase may be deferred for anti-fraud checking. It can also be suspended for a longer time for a more rigorous investigation, to prevent fraudulent transactions.




This website guarantees that the personal information you send has the necessary security. The data entered by the user or in the case of requiring a validation of the orders will not be delivered to third parties, unless it must be disclosed in compliance with a court order or legal requirements.


Subscription to promotional email newsletters is voluntary and may be selected at the time of creating your account. Lora Gerónimo Enterprises reserves the rights to change or modify these terms without prior notice.



The following type of behavior is totally prohibited during the consultation with any specialist or professional that is part of the Lora Gerónimo Enterprises group.


  • Fraudulent, false or misleading

  • bully

  • Illegal, abusive, threatening

  • That violates the copyright or trademark rights of others

  • sexually explicit

  • Profane, obscene, or pornographic

  • Defamatory or libel

  • Is, or may be, harmful to minors

  • Constitutes or furthers conduct constituting a criminal offense, gives rise to legally enforceable civil liability, or otherwise under any local, state, national, or international law

  • It is objectionable

  • You may not disable or otherwise block all or part of the Services from working for others and/or the company

  • You are not authorized to use the Services for the purposes of advertising messages or announcements, solicitations, or promotions of a commercial or political nature.

  • You are not authorized to upload any program, information, file, or software that is destructive (eg viruses or self-replication codes) or to take any other type of action that is harmful to the services or to other computers or electronic equipment

  • You are not permitted to send unsolicited email messages, including junk mail and chain messages, to other users of the Services

  • You are not authorized to request passwords or other personal information from any user of the Services

  • You are not authorized to post or transmit any message that discloses private or personal information about anyone. You may not post or transmit any content, messages, text, data, images or programs in a manner that violates the proprietary rights of others, including unauthorized and copyrighted text, images, programs, software, trade secrets or other information confidential, brands, labels of web pages used that violate proprietary rights of third parties

  • You are not authorized to authorize anyone other than yourself and you will not allow anyone to use the Services through your account.

  • You are not authorized to transmit or retransmit, broadcast, broadcast, televise, distribute or redistribute, or make commercial use of the Services provided by Lora Gerónimo Enterprises and its group of specialists.

  • You are not authorized  or reverse engineer, decipher, decompile or otherwise alter or interfere with the Services or attempt to do so or assist or encourage others to do so

  • You are not authorized to submit false or incorrect information to the company through the Services

Violations of the security of the Services may result in civil or criminal liability. We may investigate and work with the relevant authorities to prosecute Users who violate the terms and conditions set forth herein. We may suspend or cancel any type of access or membership to the Services provided by Lora Gerónimo Enterprises and its group of specialists for any reason related to inappropriate conduct that violates the terms and conditions of use herein stipulated by Lora Gerónimo Enterprises and its group of specialists. .




Including without limitation, text, graphics, logos, icons, screens, configurations and any type of software used in the Services provided by Lora Gerónimo Enterprises and its group of specialists is the property of Lora Gerónimo Enterprises and its group of specialists or their corresponding supplies. and licensed, and is protected by United States (USA), Puerto Rico, and international copyright and trademark laws. Any software and services used in the Services are the property of the company or its supplies and are also protected by the laws of the United States (USA), Puerto Rico and international copyright and trademark laws. You do not acquire any proprietary interest by accepting or consenting to these terms. You also do not acquire a proprietary interest by printing or downloading any information or using the Services. Any use of the content or software of the Services, other than the uses contemplated in the terms and conditions mentioned herein, is strictly prohibited, including, without limitation, the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, replication or public display, or create derivative works.



By agreeing to the provisions of these terms and conditions, you release Lora Gerónimo Enterprises and Lora Gerónimo Enterprises' group of specialists, representatives, independent contractors, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and their respective successors and assigns from any and all form of liability, claim, counterclaim, demand, consideration, damage or cause of action, which it currently possesses or which could accrue in the future, which at the time has or has not been claimed, known or unknown, which arises from, or which otherwise relates to the use of the Services, specifically including but not limited to any claim based in whole or in part on allegations of negligence on the part of Lora Gerónimo Enterprises and Lora Gerónimo Enterprises' group of specialists in the operation of the Services.


You agree that your only remedy for any claim arising out of or related to the use of the Services will be to stop using it and any claim against or against any of the specialists belonging to Lora Gerónimo Enterprises will have to be brought and attended to in the country. , jurisdiction or place of issuance of the license of the specialist involved.




You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Lora Gerónimo Enterprises and its group of specialists, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, suppliers and their directors, officers, affiliates, subcontractors, employees, agents and assigns from and against any losses, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses), claims, damages, and liabilities relating to or associated with your use of the Services and any alleged violation by you of these terms. We reserve the right to assume the exclusive defense of any claim for which we are entitled to indemnification under this section. In such event, you will provide us with such cooperation as we reasonably request.



Our services may contain links to other websites that are not operated by us. If you access the link to a third party's website, you will be immediately directed to that third party's website. We recommend and suggest that you review the terms and conditions of use of that web page you visit. The company does not endorse any of the other websites and does not assume legal responsibility, directly or indirectly, for third party websites, including the content thereof. Therefore, you assume all risk in accessing such linked websites.




These terms will be exclusively interpreted and will be governed by the laws of Puerto Rico without regard to the principles on conflicts of law or the laws of any other state or country, including the state or country of your residence. In relation to specialists who reside and practice with a license granted in Puerto Rico to practice their specialty, you agree that the federal and state courts located in Puerto Rico will have exclusivity in terms of jurisdiction, venue and territorial jurisdiction over any action filed to demand compliance with the rights and obligations in or arising out of these terms and you irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of such courts. Equally, to each specialist, part of Lora Gerónimo Enterprises whom you choose to receive a service, these terms will be interpreted and governed by the laws of the country of residence, jurisdiction and place where the license of said specialist and therapist was granted and you will adhere to these laws.




These terms constitute the entire agreement between you and the company and supersede all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or otherwise oral, regarding the subject matter of these terms. The invalidity or inapplicability of any of these terms in whole or in part of the rights derived from them, will not affect the validity or applicability of the other rights, terms and conditions, which will continue in full force and effect, only being excluded the flawed clause. In the event that you wish to contact Lora Gerónimo Enterprises for the purpose of obtaining more information regarding the Services or these terms, you must do so by sending an email

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